The Best Peak Oil Investments: Peak Oil Stock Lists

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Tom Konrad CFA

Four new stock lists for different approaches to profit from peak oil.
As I’ve researched and written this series on ways to invest in companies that will profit from peak oil, I’ve been greatly expanding the number of stocks in our old “Clean Transportation” stock list, at the same time I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how these companies will fare.  Because of this, I’ve decided to split Clean Transportation into four groups of similar companies, depending on how they are working to reduce our dependence on oil.

The new stock categories are:

In addition to these four new categories, we have several other stock lists that are relevant to peak oil, many of which have been expanded as I researched this ongoing series.

If you know of exchange-listed companies that aren’t on these lists, but should be, please let me know in the comments.  It’s a constant endeavor to keep these lists up to date. 

An index to the “Best Peak Oil Investments” series is available here.

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