Welcome David Gold

Tom Konrad, Ph.D., CFA I first met David Gold when he agreed (at the last minute) to sit on a lunchtime panel about Financing Renewable Energy I organized for the Colorado CFA Society in April. When he emailed an announcement in September that he was starting Green Gold Blog, I immediately signed up, because I expected he'd have something interesting to say.   I also know that what's relevant for Venture Capitalists is often relevant for public investors.  For instance, doesn't his recent article on VC cleantech investment trends have some almost eerie similarities to my article about why...

Break Due to CFA Study

Readers have probably noticed my less than consistent posting for the last couple of weeks.  I'm afraid that this is only going to get worse for the next month and a half... I'm currently studying for the third CFA® Exam, and I have much more to do than I had hoped I would at this point.   I may or may not post again before the exam (June 7th,) and if I do it will probably be short.  Charles has agreed to pick up most of the slack in May, as he did last week. To those of you who...

Change of Email Address

A quick note to inform our readers that I recently changed my email address due to vastly increased levels of spam in the last few months. My new email address is: Should you wish to include my contact information on your website, I would like to ask that you please use a format that does not make it easy for robots to read email addresses. We use images at AltEnergyStocks.com - this is one of the most effective ways. I will be checking my old email address for another month, after which we will discontinue...

Canadian AltE Stocks; Presentation Up; A Favor to Ask

I spent most of May studying for the third CFA Exam, and did little writing.  I now feel prepared for the exam (which is this Saturday.) I expect to be posting regularly again the following week.  Until then, here are a few items I would have mentioned if I had not been focusing on studying. An Article: BC Business writer Jeannie Mitchell interviewed me early this spring for an in-depth article looking at Canadian Cleantech firms, published here. I own stock in three of the companies profiled: Xantrex (TSX:XTX or XARXF.PK), VRB Power (TSE:VRB.V or VRBPF.PK),...

The Launch of CleanTech News

I am very pleased to announce the launch of cleantech news which is the first phase of an ambitious plan to create a cleantech information community. The cleantech news page consists of news items that are generated automatically by scanning over 200 cleantech blogs and news sources. The algorithm that is used to establish relevance and determine ranking currently takes three main criteria into account: 1) what other bloggers are saying about a news item, 2) how users across the Internet prefer a news item (which we call 'social popularity'), 3) the 'freshness' or age of the article....

Featured Company Advertising Now Available for Alternative Energy and Clean Tech Companies

I am pleased to announce that we are now offering "Featured Company" advertising for companies who would like to deliver their message to our website visitors. Featured company advertising is described in detail on our advertising page. Here is a summary of the service. A Featured Company will get a listing on our featured company page . This listing will include a business description which will have website links as well as contact information including investor relations contacts. At the top right of corner of every content page on our site, the featured company will also get a...

The Launch of Clean Energy Wonk

Tom Konrad, Ph.D. I've been writing for AltEnergyStocks for over two years now, but it has not always been about stock market investing.  Often, it is about my other passion, energy policy and economics.  While this can inform stock market investing, I have come to believe that many people who come to a site called AltEnergyStocks, are probably more interested in investing-focused fare. Because of this, I've been writing less about policy and economics than I would if I were writing for a more policy- or economics-focused blog.  Since I'm not about to give up my either my interest...


Dear Loyal Readers, We are exploring different options at generating revenue particularly during the effects of the Covid-19 shutdown. I'd like to keep on maintaining this website at at least the current level of 1-3 articles a month, and to do that, I've set up a Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/tomkonrad, which will allow you to support my work for $5 or $10 a month. I'm still working out exactly what benefits to offer Patrons... I'll start with giving you a preview of articles before they are shown on the website, plus I'll respond directly questions from Patrons who sign up at the $10/month...

Disclosures and Disclaimer

AltEnergyStocks.com is a website resource which, along with its related publications and other services (collectively, the "Website"), is edited and written by Mark Anderson, published by MDA Holdings LLC, and offered to the general public for informational purposes only and is presented as is and without warranty. Website visitors will receive the benefit of Mark Anderson's commentary, analysis, opinions, advice and recommendations. The Website is impersonal and does not provide individualized advice or recommendations for any specific visitor or portfolio. The Editor hereby discloses that on the respective dates set forth below the Editor, directly or indirectly,...

Happy New Year!

The AltEnergyStocks.com team would like to thank all of our readers for a great 2007 and wish you all a happy and prosperous 2008. Our New Year resolution is to continue delivering top-quality content that we hope you will find valuable. On behalf of Brian, Tom and myself, Happy New Year!!

New Authentication for Comments

Due to an ever-increasing flood of comment spam, AltEnergyStocks.com has changed how the comments work.  If you would like to comment in the future, you will need to register with an email address, or OpenID.  Most likely you are familiar with this procedure from other blogs.  After you've first registered, you will be able to sign in and comment. One other change is that comments will now appear immediately, and you will no longer have to wait for us to manually approve your comments.  Feel free to test this procedure in the comments on this entry.  If you...

The Twelve Alternative Energy Months of 2007

For the holiday season, we at Alternative Energy Stocks are taking the opportunity to wrap up the year with musical review... In the twelve months of 2007, Alternative Energy Stocks gave to me,  Twelve(ish) transportation fuels compared,  Ten (and a Bonus) Insights into Greenhouse Gas Regulation, Ten Thouseand Cellulosic Miles per Acre,  Nine Solar applications,  Eight Barriers to Energy Efficiency,  Seven new developments in Geothermal Power,  Six weaknesses of number-crunching money managers,  Five Sustainable Companies for Gifts,  Four Ways to Avoid Being a Sucker,  Three Dictators to Bribe with Renewable Energy,  Two Independent Power Producers, And Cleantech...

RSS Feeds for CleanTech News and Alt Energy Stocks

In June, we launched CleanTech News which generates the top headlines in the cleantech world by automatically by scanning over 240 cleantech blogs and news sources. Today we are launching an RSS feed for CleanTech News. The aim of this feed is to allow you to track what is happening in the cleantech world through a single feed. Tom and Charles have been using the CleanTech News feed for some time and they have also been providing feedback which has been used to improve the application that generates CleanTech News. Both Tom and Charles, who are voraciaous consumers...

A Welcome to Our New Editor: Tom Konrad

I am happy to announce that Tom Konrad has joined Alt Energy Stocks as an Editor. You may already be familiar with Tom's writing at EE/RE Investing and his professional services at TomKonrad.com. Tom Konrad is an independent investment advisor and financial analyst specializing in renewable energy and energy efficiency companies. He has a Ph.D. in mathematics from Purdue University, and is a level II candidate for the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. He serves as Treasurer for both the Colorado Renewable Energy Society and Ratepayers United Colorado. In the short time Tom has been with us, he...

Site Changes at AltEnergyStocks.com: New Stocks Page, Stock Category Pages and Company Pages

I'm pleased to announce some significant changes on AltEnergyStocks.com: we have a new stocks page up as well as stock category pages and company pages. Our new stocks page is a gateway to the new site changes. In addition to our list of stocks, we've added links to the major stock categories at the top of the stocks page to let you navigate to specific categories you're interested in. Our new solar page is an example of our stock category pages. The solar page contains a list of solar stocks and an abbreviated stock quote for those...

Questions from Readers

Many readers write me with questions relating to my articles.  At first, I would respond directly, but eventually the calls on my time became too great.  I instituted a policy: I would respond to comments on the blog, but would redirect people emailing me to put there comments there, allowing me to answer many readers' questions at the same time. In that spirit, here are some recent questions from readers others may find useful as well. Questions about My Reasoning: Why are so many greens against Fuel Cell Vehicles? (On 10 Most Blogged Cleantech Stories of 2007) ...
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