Exciting Changes at Alt Energy Stocks Website and Blog

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I am pleased to announce that Alt Energy Stocks has changed ownership. Alt Energy Stocks was acquired from MDA Holdings by 2043835 Ontario Limited. Mark Anderson, the previous editor, did a great job of making Alt Energy Stocks a valuable resource for investors in alternative energy. Unfortunately, in the last few months, other commitments prevented Mark from putting in the in the time the website needed. And that is why the website has come under new hands. I, Brian Gomes, will be the new editor and blogger for Alt Energy Stocks and I am looking forward to making this website the premier destination for alterative energy investors. I know that if your needs are served, this will happen. The site will continue to be devoted to providing information on alternative energy investing. The changes that are planned for the site are aimed at improving the information that the site delivers. Starting to Blog I am going to start by getting myself acquainted with the alternative energy community. I have subscribed to a number of feeds and will be monitoring them on a regular basis. I plan on sharing with you interesting things I come across and I will also be giving you own perspective on alternative energy and the investing landscape. Research Articles for Alternative Energy I am also planning a series of research articles that will be summaries for alternative energy topics such as: Ethanol, Fuel Cells, Solar, Wind etc. For each technology, the articles would provide information such as:

  • a brief explanation of what the technology is and how it works
  • benefits of the technology
  • the state of the current technology
  • the types of products and services currently being developed and their current usage levels
  • risks for the adoption of the technology
  • the leading companies (and the associated stocks) that are developing this technology

This will help bring me up to speed on where the industry is at and I hope you find them useful as well. You will likely see a few ‘regular’ blog posts before I can get to these research articles. Automated Alternate Energy News Gathering Longer term, we are also developing some software for the site that will provide an automated system of gathering and organizing the most relevant alternative energy investing news from around the web. This system will scan many of the blogs and news sources you may be reading and others you many not be familiar with to bring you the most important news. Snippets of stories will be displayed on the site and a link will lead you to the full article where the story is located. We think this will be a great time saver that will point you to important news affecting alternative energy investing. If all goes according to plan, this should be in place before the end of 2006. Other Editors and Bloggers I am also looking at adding other editors in addition to myself. This would mean more frequent posting to the blog and posts from a different perspectives as well. I am in the process of looking for editors but if you or someone you know is interested in writing for us, please let us know. This is what we have in mind but it is really your feedback will really help to make the site better. Please tell us what types of things you would like to see on the site. I hope this gives you an idea of what you can expect from Alt Energy Stocks in the coming months. Please share your thoughts on the changes planned.


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