Questions from Readers

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Many readers write me with questions relating to my articles.  At first, I would respond directly, but eventually the calls on my time became too great.  I instituted a policy: I would respond to comments on the blog, but would redirect people emailing me to put there comments there, allowing me to answer many readers’ questions at the same time.

In that spirit, here are some recent questions from readers others may find useful as well.

Questions about My Reasoning:

  1. Why are so many greens against Fuel Cell Vehicles? (On 10 Most Blogged Cleantech Stories of 2007)
  2. Can you cite rigourous sources for your assertion that non financial benefits are much larger than the financial benefits of energy efficiency? (On The Value of Energy Efficiency)
  3. How can you call GE and Sharp "Green"? (On Give the Gift of A Green Future)

Questions about Which Stocks to Buy and How:

  1. How do I invest in CSP? (On Structured Leveraged Concentrating Solar Power)
  2. What is the investment timeframe for these stocks? (On Ten Alternative Energy Speculations for 2008)
  3. Can you rank these in terms of which are the best bets? (On Ten Alternative Energy Speculations for 2008)
  4. Are there any mutual funds which contain these stocks? (On Our Blue Chip Alternative Energy Stock List)

Other Questions about Stocks:

  1. How much of each of these are in your own portfolio? (On Our Blue Chip Alternative Energy Stock List)

Thanks to everyone who commented or asked a stimulating question.  Keep them coming!

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