On Tuesday,
Michael Hoexter at RenewableEnergyWorld covered the increasing number of companies constructing Concentrating Solar Power plants around the world.
Dave Room at EcoLocalizer reported on a new model for residential solar purchasing: 24 neighbors banded together to put out their own Request For Proposals (RFP.)
On Wednesday,
Big Gav at Peak Energy rounded up stories on a less talked about biofuel, biogas, which I prefer to ethanol and biodiesel because of the superior crop yields in terms of miles per acre. Miles per acre was big on the blogs this week, with both me and Philip Proefrock at EcoGeek quoting a study which highlights the potential of solar using this measure.
Jacques Leslie at The Christian Science Monitor warned that China’s pollution nightmare will become everyone’s pollution nightmare. Disquieting news, given that China’s CO2 emissions are likely to grow 11% per year until 2010, according to researchers in California.
On Thursday,
Steven Mufson and Blaine Harden at The Washington Post, showed us how China’s ravenous appetite for coal was leading to booming exports and profits for coal miners in the US. Should we really be exporting coal to China at the same time we complain about the global warming caused by their coal fired power plants. China can ban coal exports, but so can the United States (or at least slap a gigantic carbon tax on them)
Environmental Leader told us how we ("green tech leaders") can open up a $104 Billion market in green technology products.
On Friday,
Hank Green at EcoGeek let us in on the details (and sponsor) of the $10M Automotive X-Prize competition.
The markets took a break. Happy environmentally conscious egg dyeing!