New Server

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If you are seeing this post, that means this website has been successfully moved over to the new server. As you may (or may not know) I run a hosting business on the side. This website is more of a hobby for me. This is in addition to my REAL fulltime job. One positive about maintaining this website is it has brought me more clients for my hosting business. I recently added a new client that is now getting some decent traffic. So I purchased some servers and I’m in the process of relocating all my websites to this new server hardware. Hopefully this move should provide better service to my AltEnergy investing audience. Over the next couple of weeks, I will be making some additional updates to the website as well. I’m also thinking about breaking up the stock listings into sectors. Please feel free to comment on this (or any) article and let me know how I’m doing. Just click on the comment link below (signup for TypeKey if you haven’t already.) I know from my traffic reports, that there are at least 1,000 of you out there that visit on a regular basis. All I ask is for some feedback.


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