Clean Energy Stocks Shopping List: Index and Bonus Picks

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Index to the Clean Energy Shopping List Series, and a few Bonus Stocks.

Tom Konrad, Ph.D., CFA

I started my "Clean Energy Shopping List" series on the premise that the market was near a peak, and it would be better to wait than to buy now.  My market call turned out to be premature (or just plain wrong… time will tell) and the market has since advanced more than I thought it would.  But I feel the challenges facing our economy and financial system are too grave not to bring down the market from its current heights eventually, so each rise simply makes me more bearish.

However, I feel the shopping list series is getting tired (or at least I’m getting tired of it), so I’m going to end it now, with just a list of stocks in the series and the articles that cover them.  In addition, I’ll throw in the few companies I’ve been thinking about using but have not made it in so far. 


Clean Transportation Stocks NFYIF.PK, PRPX, FGP.L, WAB, PTRP
Energy Efficiency stocks   ERII, LXU, WFFIF.PK, FLIR, CREE
Electric Transmission Stocks BGC, ABB, PIKE, MTZ, PWR
Landfill Gas and Geothermal Stocks WMI, VE, ORA, RZ, NGPLF.PK
Smart Grid Stocks BCON. AMSC, ELON, ITRI, TLVT

It’s also worth noting that soon after I included Raser Technologies in my Geothermal Shopping list, I decided that the sale was already on, and decided to buy now.  The company is holding above the $2.00-$2.05 range at which I bought it, but it will be interesting to see if it continues to hold if the downturn I expect materializes.

Bonus Picks

All along, I’ve been thinking about writing a list of battery stocks I like, but John does that so well, I’ve decided just to reference him.  Among the battery stocks John follows, the ones I’ll be looking to scoop up if they fall in a general market decline are the ones he refers to as "Cheap" (in reference to the value of their products, not necessarily the stock prices.) I like both the "Cheap Sustainable" group that can fund their operations out of existing cash flow, and the "Cheap emerging" ones developing new inexpensive battery technology.  Here are John’s lists of battery stocks.

There are also a couple other efficiency stocks that didn’t make the list… I was thinking about doing a second list of five, but instead I’ll just give you three honorable mentions here: Owens Corning (OC), Linear Technology Corp (LLTC), and Power Efficiency Corp (PEFF.OB).

Thaaat’s All Folks!

For a guy who said at the start of the year that I wanted to reduce my individual positions to no more than 50 companies, I clearly have conflicts: I just listed 39 companies I’d like to buy (at the right price.)  At least I already own 2/3 of  the list.  But it’s clearly time to stop while I’m behind.  

I just noticed I didn’t list any wind stocks.  There’s always FAN

DISCLOSURE: Tom Konrad and/or his clients own AMSC, ELON, ITRI, TLVT, SATC, STG., WMI, VE, ORA,  RZ,  NGLPF, BGC, ABB, SI, PIKE, MTZ, PWR, ERII, LXU, WFIFF, FLIR, CREE, NFYIF, PRPX, OC, LLTC, and FAN.  PEFF is an advertiser on

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purposes only and are not a solicitation to buy or sell any of these securities. Investing involves substantial risk and you should evaluate your own risk levels before you make any investment. Past results are not an indication of future performance. Please take the time to read the full disclaimer here.


  1. Hey Tom,
    Thanks for all the hard work and appreciate the info. I’m particular focused on transmission stocks PWR and MTZ. Pretty disappointed with MTZ relative to it’s peers. Although they lowered guidance after q2 earnings it’s trading at a lower p/e than it was a month ago with the rest of the market moving up including PWR and PIke. Any insight on what’s going with MTZ?

  2. Hi Tom,
    I was wondering if you could give some insights as to why you hold ~50 seperate stocks. I was under the impression that 10-20 is a more manageable lot. However, in the alt energy world and the need for diversification I can see the rational for needing to diversify beyond just 10-20. I currently hold 18, but at times find it hard to follow them all, especially during quarterly reports. And ofcourse, I too have my wish list of new ones. Any advice as how you manage would be appreciated.

  3. Brad
    10-20 is sufficient if they are broadly diversified… mine are less diversified, but probably still excessive, mainly due to the lack of self-restraint I alluded to in the article.


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