’s Ten Best Competitors

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When I began writing about clean energy investing in 2006, my competition was sparse.  The quality blogs with industry heavyweights were either not focused on investing, or were primarily focused on venture capital.  Now the world has changed.  I keep finding new blogs and writers with a strong focus on both clean energy and public companies.  Here are a few I’d like to share with readers:

Dedicated Blogs

Energy Tech Stocks – Three articles a day can be a little daunting, but that’s what happens when you try to cover everything.

Camino Energy – Their PurePlay indices are a great way to see what’s happening with subsectors that don’t have dedicated ETFs.

Best Sustainable Business Blogs

Although not strictly focused on investing, I’ve gained much useful knowledge and insight from these business writers:

Tyler Hamilton’s Clean Break. A must read, especially if you’re interested in Canadian companies.

Marc Gunther – Marc’s writings on sustainable business are among the best in the field.

Joel Makower’s Two Steps Forward.  Joel’s probably first among the industry heavyweights I referred to in the intro.  He also showed the great insight of being the first one in this list to add me to his blogroll soon after I started writing.  Thanks, Joel!

Cleantech Blog – The Venture capital focused blog I alluded to in the intro.

The Wall Street Journal’s Environmental Capital.

Seeking Alpha Writers

Seeking Alpha is a great aggregator of articles focused on stocks, and many excellent writers about alternative energy companies publish or are syndicated there.  Most of the best writers are already on this list elsewhere.  Two exceptions are:

Greentech Media has excellent writing on many aspects of clean energy, and Seeking Alpha does a good job of publishing just their investing-focused articles.

John Peterson – A battery and energy storage expert who publishes only on Seeking Alpha

Peak Oil Investors

Jim Kingsdale’s Energy Investment Strategies is more broadly energy focused, but he’s usually spot on when he writes about clean energy.

Honorable Mentions

Both Earth2Tech and Climate Progress have such good writing I wanted to mention them, despite the fact that they have little to say about investing.

Clean Energy Sector – This young blog shows a lot of promise.  Running across it made me think of writing this article.

Other thoughts

If all these are too much to keep up with, try our Cleantech News Blog Aggregator (CTN).  On Monday, I’ll use the CTN algorithm to bring you the 10 most controversial stories of 2008 (link will be broken until then.)

If you’re not in this list, and you think you should be, leave a comment.  If I get enough good suggestions, I’ll write a follow-up.

Tom Konrad


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