Break Due to CFA Study

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Readers have probably noticed my less than consistent posting for the last couple of weeks.  I’m afraid that this is only going to get worse for the next month and a half… I’m currently studying for the third CFA® Exam, and I have much more to do than I had hoped I would at this point.   I may or may not post again before the exam (June 7th,) and if I do it will probably be short.  Charles has agreed to pick up most of the slack in May, as he did last week.

To those of you who have emailed me looking for advice or networking, I’m never very good responding to email (When it comes to advice, I try to respond to comments on the blog rather than email… people who want free advice should be willing to share.)  If I have not gotten back to anyone, it’s not personal.

NREL Presentation

A couple months ago, I agreed (against my better judgment) to do an investing presentation as part of an event at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.  So if you have a burning question (and live near Golden), I plan to leave a good amount of time for Q&A.  The event will be May 10 from 9am to 1pm, "Consumer Power for the 21st Century."  Details are available on NREL’s Events page.  I’ll present a version of my Investing in Renewable Energy presentation, with updates for current market conditions and some of my more recent thinking on peak oil.  Also presenting will be Wade O. Troxell, Ph.D, on smart grid applications.  Since smart grid is one of my favorite investing themes, I’ll be interested to hear what he has to say.

DISCLAIMER: Although the CFA® charter is a well respected designation, you have to wonder about the sanity of someone who voluntarily decides to go through the process, and even enjoys it.  Therefore, everything Tom Konrad says or writes should be taken with a grain of salt: He’s obviously nuts (and probably sleep-deprived, to boot.)


  1. For those interested in renewable energy finance (who perhaps can’t make it out to Colorado to hear Tom’s presentation at NREL), there’s a renewable energy investing forum in New York in June. The Renewable Energy Finance Forum (REFF) brings together investment bankers, industry leaders, government officials, venture capitalists, and renewable energy associations–in short, anyone interested in seeing further progress in the renewables sector.
    For more information on this valuable networking and informational opportunity, check out


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