The Week In Cleantech, July 9 to July 15

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Last week, Paul Davidson at USA Today told us about how Sodium-sulfur (NaS) batteries can increase the reliability and efficiency of the grid.

On Monday, Keith Johnson of The Wall Street Journal told us that Wind Turbine Makers can’t keep up with demand. [Subscription only.]  Investment tip: this should be good for 2nd and 3rd-teir turbine makers who otherwise would not be able to sell their products.  I’ve noticed this in a flurry of turbine sales by Composite Technology Corp.  (CPTC.ob), a company I own not for their turbine business, but instead because I see great potential for their transmission business. 

On Tuesday, Fred Fuld of Stockerblog listed nine geothermal stocks to consider.

On Wednesday, 

On Thursday, 

On Sunday, Kevin Cameron of the New York Times told us how Electric cars are nearly ready, but batteries are less so.

  The Week in Cleantech is a weekly roundup of our favorite cleantech and alt energy blog posts and stories from across the web. If you know of a good piece that you think should be included here, don’t hesitate to let us know!

DISCLOSURE: Tom Konrad (sitting in for Editor-in-Cheif Charles Morand on The Week In Cleantech) and/or his clients have positions in these companies mentioned here: CPTC.)

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