WorldWater & Power Corp. and Saint Joseph of the Palisades High School Sign Contract for $1.3 Million Rooftop Solar System

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Worldwater Corp (WWAT) announced that Saint Joseph of the Palisades High School of West New York, N.J., part of the Archdiocese of Newark, has contracted with WorldWater to purchase electrical energy for 10 years generated by a solar electric system. The solar panel array will be installed on the school’s roof. Under WorldWater’s Alternative Clean Energy Services (ACES) plan, St. Joseph’s will not incur any start-up costs for the installation and the school will receives a 10% discount on their cost for power compared to their electric rate. The installation of the solar energy system at the school guarantees that the school will save money on electric costs immediately and on a long-term basis. The construction value of the project is $1.3 million. [ more ]


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