Aqua Dyne To Test Solar Powered Water Desalination

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Aqua Dyne Inc. (AQDY.OB) and the Australian, Commonwealth Scientific and Industry Research Organisation (CSIRO), the Federal Government’s Premier Research Organisation will be advancing the study and use of Solar Energy in thermal water desalination for the Coal Mining Industry. Aqua Dyne has received approval to deploy component modules of the JetWater Thermal Desalination system to a site adjacent to Lake Liddell in the Upper Hunter region of New South Wales, Australia. The JetWater Thermal module will be tested and monitored over a three month trial program. The module will be connected to a solar energy system developed and supplied by Solar Heat & Power Pty Ltd of Singleton, NSW Australia. [ more ] Aqua Dyne is an interesting company and I have been following it on my other stock blog. I haven’t officially launched this new webiste yet, but I guess I’m giving you a Beta look at it now 🙂 So if your interested in stocks that track Water, please check out my other stock blog:


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