Clean Diesel Technologies Announces Significant Emissions Reductions from Independent Testing of Platinum Plus Fuel Additive

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Clean Diesel Technologies Inc. (CDTI) announced today that it has completed extensive independent testing of its Platinum Plus® fuel-borne catalyst (FBC) in a wide range of fuels on four different engines at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. Results from these tests confirm that the FBC, when added to various commercial diesel fuels, can provide up to 35 percent reduction in diesel particulate emissions (PM) and up to 11 percent NOx reduction. Both particulates and NOx are a major focus of worldwide efforts to reduce diesel emissions, and the U.S. EPA has challenged the industry to clean up the more than 11 million existing diesel engines that are used in a wide range of on-road and off-road applications. While new engines will see dramatic emissions reductions starting in 2007, many existing engines will continue to be in service for another 10-20 years. [ more ]