Dyadic International (DYAI.PK), A Stock To Avoid

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Dyadic International hopes to use proprietary gene discovery to revolutionize cellulosic biofuel and pharmaceuticals.  Investors should stay away.

DyadicDyadic International (DYAI.PK) says they are applying their "proprietary enabling biotechnologies for multi-billion dollar markets in industrial enzymes, biofuels and biotherapeutics."  A very exciting prospect, and just the sort of thing I’ve long warned investors to avoid.  In short, they are a company with gigantic claims and not a lot of track record to back them up.

Why I Care (I don’t, really)

In our survey of readers, one respondent asked that I write more about stocks to avoid.  Dyadic added me to their press list a couple months ago, probably in response to my popular article on investing in advanced and cellulosic biofuels.  If so, it’s ironic. If anyone at Dyadic had read the article and thought about it a little, they would have known that I would not recommend anyone buy the stock, just based on their business plan, let alone the disturbing information I found in their press releases (see below.)

Recently, Dyadic sent me an email starting with the line "As you have shown a prior interest in Dyadic International…" (I didn’t.) I decided to take a look at the company.  Here is what I found:

Out of Date Filings, Possible Previous Securities Laws Violations


At this point, I stopped looking.  Why would anyone buy stock in a company that is not providing current information, and whose promises sound too good to be true?  Given limited cash, why not invest it in a company that provides current information and promises to do something useful but believable?  Here are 39 green companies which do just that.

UPDATE: Dyadic has now published audited financial statements for 2007 and 2008.


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  1. Thanks for sharing this valuable information. Kind of strange that the company didn’t provide any financial info since 2006. Are those reports supposed to be mandatory? Seems like not.


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