Synthetic fuel stocks are publicly traded companies creating transportation fuel from non-liquid feedstocks such as natural gas, coal, and municipal waste. Drop-in biofuel stocks are publicly traded companies creating transportation fuel from organic feedstock that can be used, transported, and stored by conventional petrofuel infrastructure. A synthetic fuel is a biofuel if it is made from organic feedstock. It is a drop-in fuel if it is compatible with the existing infrastructure for petroleum based fuels.
This post was last updated on 7/20/2022.

Amyris (AMRS)
Archaea Energy, Inc. (LFG)
BioAmber (BIOA)
Codexis (CDXS)
Darling Ingredients (DAR)
Gevo (GEVO)
Global Bioenergies (ALGBE.NX)
N-Viro International Corp. (NVIC)
Sasol Ltd. (SSL)
Velocys, PLC (VLS.L)
If you know of any synthetic fuel or drop-in biofuel stock that is not listed here, but which should be, please let us know in the comments. Also for stocks in the list that you think should be removed.