An Elephant Hunter’s Thesis for Axion Power

John Petersen Last Friday I breathed a sigh of relief as my core position in Axion Power International (AXPW.OB) regained the price level it established in the first quarter of 2010. The last 12 months have been a stockholder's worst nightmare as supply and demand dynamics pushed Axion's stock price down into the $0.50 range and kept it there. Since it looks like new buyers have finally eaten their way through the excess supply, now seems like an opportune time to unwrap my crystal ball and lay out an elephant hunter's thesis for Axion's stock price outlook over...

4th Annual Energy Tech Investor Forum on October 3 to 4, 2007 in San...

The following is a Special Information Supplement from our Featured Company sponsor Energy Tech Investor Forum Alternative Energy is not only changing your world, but also the venture investment landscape as we know it and could be the largest economic opportunity of the 21st century.The demand for efficient, clean and reliable energy in its many forms is responsible for creating opportunities across a variety of global economic sectors. The innovation and automation of the Energy industry have given rise to an important area of venture capital investment - the Energy Technology sector. Did you know?...

2nd Annual Tidal Energy Summit 08

The following is a Special Information Supplement by our Featured Company Tidal Today. Secure the partners, permits & investment you need to propel your Tidal business forward... Tidal energy is being deployed - supply electricity to the grid and growing in significance as a key renewable supplier for the future. Join 150+ tidal professionals at the 2nd Annual Tidal Energy Summit to find out how to secure the partners, permits and investments to capitalise on the future growth in tidal energy. Click here to download the Summit brochure with full agenda and fantastic speaker...

Modern Energy Investor Forum: Denver, CO – Sep. 22-25

In more than 20 years of brokering relationships between investors and the natural resources industry, I’ve never had as many investors tell me in the last year that they’re having a difficult time identifying and engaging with high-quality companies in clean technology. Why is this? Some complain that the industry is too new and unsettled to differentiate between top-grade businesses and pretenders. Others have told me that too few companies have strong business plans and can account for the uncertainty in the markets or in federal legislation. They go to conferences and are inundated with pitches from companies...

Ethanol Report

The following is a Special Information Supplement provided to us by Guinness Atkinson Funds, a Featured Company Advertiser at Alt Energy Stocks. Written by Matthew Page, Co-manager of the Alternative Energy Fund ______________________________________________________________ Excerpt from Ethanol Report: Ethanol: Fuel for thought. The sun, rich mid-America farmland, water and a little patience. These simple, wholesome ingredients combine to form what has been dubbed an energy savior: ethanol. Ethanol seems almost a miraculous solution to our energy problems. But is it? Can ethanol replace gasoline as the transportation fuel of choice in the U.S.?...
solar storage and finance

Solar & Storage Finance Conference, NYC 10/29-30

I will be attending, and reporting on the Solar & Storage Finance, USA at the Harmonie Club, NY City for in November.  For any readers also planning to attend, I would look forward to an opportunity to meet, feel free to contact me so we can connect at the conference. Here are links to the list of Speakers and the Program Brochure - Presentation Topics if you are considering attending. Daryl Roberts      

There are Always Buyers

There are Always Buyers – even for Clean-tech deals. An Update from the Street. In the movie Wall Street, Michael Douglas plays a greedy, ruthless banker who hangs everyone out to dry in order to win. His motto is “greed is good”. Well, his character’s antics have turned out to be more reality than fiction as we uncover more real life blunders of Wall Street bankers. What does this have to do with our current markets? Everything, really. Since 2008, only select stocks have performed well in the overall market and the clean...

Invest-Divest 2021: A Decade of Progress Towards a Just Climate Future

The movement to divest pension funds, universities and colleges, faith organizations and foundations from fossil fuels, and invest in climate solutions, has reached new heights in the fight for meaningful, ambitious climate action.  In the lead up to COP26, join a global coalition of organizations to announce a historic slate of groundbreaking divest/invest commitments, unveil a new “state of the D/I movement” report, including an update of assets under management committed to divestment, and celebrate major victories.  Join us on Tuesday October 26th at 11am EST for this monumental event.  RSVP Here to join the Invest-Divest 2021: A Decade of Progress...

Three Years After Katrina and Rita, New Orleans’ Grassroots Effort Brightens Environment, Community

The following is a Special Information Supplement by our Featured Company Green Light New Orleans. Fundamental Concerns of Some Local Residents Addressed by Non-Profit New Orleans, Louisiana - Green Light New Orleans, an energy efficiency program, is still helping to rebuild New Orleans. Equal parts environmental and social aid, the non-profit's solution to mitigate carbon emissions while helping low-income residents has demonstrated once again that simple ideas can result in remarkable impact. Green Light New Orleans sends volunteers to area homes to install free compact fluorescent light bulbs, educate homeowners on the energy saving and environmental...

Keewatin Windpower Proceeds with Acquisition of Sky Harvest Windpower

The following is a Special Information Supplement by our Featured Company sponsor Sky Harvest Windpower Corporation In connection with its proposed acquisition of Sky Harvest Windpower Corp., Keewatin is pleased to announce that it has engaged Stirling Mercantile Corporation to prepare a fairness opinion concerning the transaction. Sky Harvest holds the land rights to develop a wind power project on approximately 8,500 acres of land located in southwestern Saskatchewan. The company has completed wind resource assessments on the property and is proposing the construction of a 150 megawatt facility. Keewatin’s Board of Directors anticipates that the fairness...

Energy Kills, Energy Cures Campaign Launches

The following is a special information supplement on behalf of our Featured Company Energy Cures. The Energy Kills, Energy Cures Campaign has launched supporting the interconnected solution to fighing poverty environmental degradation. The Energy Cures Campaign, a grassroots social and environmental call-to-action, launched across the world motivating people to stop the inherent cycle between poverty, dirty energy and its drastic affect on the environment. Providing a simple platform to support the renewable energy efforts of developing countries, Energy Cures creates an opportunity to get involved with a solution that benefits both people and the planet. By...

The Dawn of the Alternative Energy Age Report

The following is a Special Information Supplement by our Featured Company sponsor Guinness Atkinson Funds. Excerpt from The Dawn of the Alternative Energy Age Report: Written by Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy Fund Managers “In the 20th century, mankind's massive material and financial progress were only made possible by the exploitation of oil. Oil was a main force in global geopolitics and the driving force behind unprecedented industrialization. Oil has been such a powerful lynch pin that it is hard to believe that its days of prominence may be waning. But as demand for oil steadily increases...


The following is a Special Information Supplement by our Featured Company sponsor CSP Today. Secure the Investment & Financing Your CSP/CPV Projects Need For Commercial Success If you're serious about doing business in the Concentrated Solar Power market (set to be worth over $200bn!) and need to meet and hear from the leading Investment & Finance players in the industry such as Khosla Ventures, Abengoa Solar, Google, BP Alternative Energy, HSH Nordbank, Ausra and many more.. ( Then you need to join the 150+ delegates who are attending the CSP & CPV Investment and Finance Summit...

Casey Energy Opportunities: Review

I was a subscriber to Doug Casey's International Speculator from 2004 to 2006, and I consider his research into the junior mining sector the best I've come across, although his libertarian political views are usually at odds with my own.   Last month, Casey Research invited to join their affiliate program, meaning that we would earn referral fees if our readers subscribed to their newsletters using the links on our site.  Like most people, I like getting paid, but my integrity is also important to me, so I wasn't comfortable writing an article simply hyping their products.  Instead, I...

Introducing EV Insights: In-Depth Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities in Vehicle Electrification

John Petersen After months of planning, I'm pleased to announce the launch of EV Insights, an Internet site dedicated to in-depth analysis of the challenges and opportunities in vehicle electrification and other cleantech sectors. My partners in this project are Jack Lifton, a highly regarded expert in the fields of rare earth metals, mining and extractive industries, and Dr. Gareth Hatch, a thought leader in the field of permanent magnet materials, components and their end uses in motors and power generation systems. In coming months we will offer a series of wide-ranging and probing interviews, conversations and...

Modern Energy Forum: Denver, CO – Sep. 13-15, 2011

The fifth annual Modern Energy Forum is the premier conference in 2011 for investors who want to have one-on-one conversations with some of the brightest stars and leading investors and experts in emerging clean tech companies. Please consider this your invitation to attend. Some of this year’s highlights include: Keynote speaker Dick Rutan, on the 25th anniversary of his pioneering Voyager non-stop flight around the world. Test drives for registered attendees of a Tesla roadster on the streets of downtown Denver. Experts and investors will share wisdoms about batteries, electric vehicles, PV, wind, water, nuclear, biomass,...
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