The Dawn of the Alternative Energy Age Report

The following is a Special Information Supplement by our Featured Company sponsor Guinness Atkinson Funds. Excerpt from The Dawn of the Alternative Energy Age Report: Written by Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy Fund Managers “In the 20th century, mankind's massive material and financial progress were only made possible by the exploitation of oil. Oil was a main force in global geopolitics and the driving force behind unprecedented industrialization. Oil has been such a powerful lynch pin that it is hard to believe that its days of prominence may be waning. But as demand for oil steadily increases...

Ethanol Report

The following is a Special Information Supplement provided to us by Guinness Atkinson Funds, a Featured Company Advertiser at Alt Energy Stocks. Written by Matthew Page, Co-manager of the Alternative Energy Fund ______________________________________________________________ Excerpt from Ethanol Report: Ethanol: Fuel for thought. The sun, rich mid-America farmland, water and a little patience. These simple, wholesome ingredients combine to form what has been dubbed an energy savior: ethanol. Ethanol seems almost a miraculous solution to our energy problems. But is it? Can ethanol replace gasoline as the transportation fuel of choice in the U.S.?...

4th Annual Energy Tech Investor Forum on October 3 to 4, 2007 in San...

The following is a Special Information Supplement from our Featured Company sponsor Energy Tech Investor Forum Alternative Energy is not only changing your world, but also the venture investment landscape as we know it and could be the largest economic opportunity of the 21st century.The demand for efficient, clean and reliable energy in its many forms is responsible for creating opportunities across a variety of global economic sectors. The innovation and automation of the Energy industry have given rise to an important area of venture capital investment - the Energy Technology sector. Did you know?...

Residential Solar in the Ontario microFIT Project: Three Families’ Experiences

Michael Smele Solar Home with sunflower photo via Bigstock The Ontario microFIT program was launched in 2009 as part of Ontario’s provincial government’s efforts to increase the production of renewable energy. The program provides participants with the opportunity to develop a “micro” renewable electricity generation project on their privately owned property that uses solar photovoltaic (PV), wind, waterpower, or bioenergy (biogas, biomass, landfill gas). I have asked three families who navigated the process of microFIT solar installations to share their experience by answering some questions. ...
solar storage and finance

Solar & Storage Finance Conference, NYC 10/29-30

I will be attending, and reporting on the Solar & Storage Finance, USA at the Harmonie Club, NY City for in November.  For any readers also planning to attend, I would look forward to an opportunity to meet, feel free to contact me so we can connect at the conference. Here are links to the list of Speakers and the Program Brochure - Presentation Topics if you are considering attending. Daryl Roberts      

There are Always Buyers

There are Always Buyers – even for Clean-tech deals. An Update from the Street. In the movie Wall Street, Michael Douglas plays a greedy, ruthless banker who hangs everyone out to dry in order to win. His motto is “greed is good”. Well, his character’s antics have turned out to be more reality than fiction as we uncover more real life blunders of Wall Street bankers. What does this have to do with our current markets? Everything, really. Since 2008, only select stocks have performed well in the overall market and the clean...
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