ENDESA Will Invest Euro 286 Million in New Wind Farms and Mini Hydro Plants in 2005 with a Total Capacity of 277 MW

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ENDESA (ELE) has received authorisation to build and start up new wind farms and mini hydro plants this year, requiring an investment of Euro 286 million. The start-up of these projects, part of ENDESA’s Strategic Plan, will add 277 MW to ENDESA’s generation capacity, 252 MW in wind (for a Euro 250 million) and 25 MW in mini hydro capacity (for an investment of around Euro 60 million). Facilities already under construction and expected to come on stream in 2005 include the wind farms at Pena Ventosa and Chan do Tenon in Galicia, Las Hoyuelas in Castilla La Mancha and P.E. Saso Plan in Aragon, representing an investment of Euro 144 million and overall capacity of 146 MW. [ more ]