Contrarian Opinion on Alt Energy Stocks from Motley Fool

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Rich Smith, writer for the Motley Fool, has written an article with a contrarian opinion about investing in alternative energy stocks. Specifically he refers to the Fuel Cell stocks. “The old test of a person’s optimism is to show him a glass of water, filled to 50% of capacity, and ask whether it is half empty or half full. Shown such a glass, I have full confidence that investors in hydrogen fuel-cell pioneers such as Plug Power Inc (PLUG), Ballard Power (BLDP), or Fuelcell Energy Inc (FCEL) would declare the glass half full.” [ more ] While he rails about “these companies burn a lot of cash but produce precious little energy in doing so” is based in truth. The reason why I’m investing in these companies NOW is because I feel that in 5-10 years these companies will be raking in the cash. I would much rather be buying low at these prices than paying 5-10x the price in the future.