Revolutionary Alternative Energy TechnologyPart One:Anti-Matter

James over at the Alternative Energy blog has started a new series of reports based on the next generation of alternative energy solutions. His first edition discusses Anti-Matter.
albany graphite

Crystalline Graphite

ZEN Graphene Solutions (ZEN:  TSX-V) recently teamed up with the University of Manchester, seat of the two Nobel Prize-winning scientists who are credited with isolating graphene.  ZEN management hopes to work with Manchester on commercialization of graphene for a variety of applications, including concrete, composites, membranes, and sensors. ZEN’s Albany graphite project is located in southeastern Ontario.  In March 2019, the company completed tests on a production process to purify graphite concentrate from its mine.  The purified graphite was near 99.8% carbon per gram and will be used as a precursor material for ZEN’s graphene.   The company plans to use a chemical exfoliation process to convert...

Did You Recieve a Junk Fax that you thought was coming from Alt Energy...

Some companies have send out stock promotion faxes that people think are coming from Alt Energy Stocks. We don't send out any faxes. If another company is using our name, they are they are doing so without our knowledge or permission. If you did receive a fax, please use the following information so that you can report the company. How the FCC Can Help The FCC has taken numerous enforcement actions, including the issuance of citations and fines, against companies for violations and suspected violations of the TCPA’s prohibition against unsolicited faxes. If you...

Five Last Minute Gifts For The Environmental Anti-Materialist

What do you get for the person who hates stuff? My family has this problem every year. As a somewhat rabid environmentalist, I think of stuff as part of the problem. I'm not a big fan of clutter, either. So I always have mixed feelings when I receive gifts. No matter how useful, I can't help but thinking about all the resources that were used to make it. Not to mention wondering where I'm going to put it. You may have someone in your family who feels the same way, for whatever reason. Here are five of the best gifts I've...

Mueller: Solid Profits In Liquid Infrastructure

by Debra Fiakas CFA The dire condition of drinking water systems in the U.S. has been made glaringly apparent with the recent debacle in Flint, Michigan that has left numerous citizens in the community suffering from chronic health conditions as a result of contaminated water.  We had no further than our own coverage group to find a company that could help solve problems the drinking water system.  Mueller Water Products (MWA:  NYSE) is a supplier of water meters, pipe fittings, valves, pipe repair components, and fire hydrants.  Mueller’s Echologics leak detection solution gives water utilities details on water...

G7 Rumors and Speculation

There are several newsletter editors that are floating the idea that the next G7 conference will have some significant announcements concern the requirement for its members to use alternative energy. The next scheduled meeting is on Friday with a meeting of the G7 finance ministers and central bankers. I doubt anything will be announced at this time. But any announcement by the G7 concerning alternative energy will help to propel the AltE stocks.

American Stock Exchange to Trade Options on Seven PowerShares

The American Stock Exchange® (Amex®) will launch trading in options on Thursday, March 3, 2005 on the underlying shares of The PowerShares WilderHill Clean Energy Portfolio (PBW) will open with strike prices of 10-20 with one-point increments and position limits of 1,350,000 shares. The options will trade on the March expiration cycle with initial expirations in March, April, June and September. The specialist will be LaBranche Structured Products, LLC. PowerShares Wilderhill Clean Energy Portfolio is a closed-end fund incorporated in the USA. The Fund's investment objective seeks to correspond to the price and yield of the Wilderhill Clean...

Keep Up With On Twitter!

Dear Readers, You can now keep up with on Twitter by visiting our Twitter page. We will post updates when we blog as well as other useful info about what we're up to and relevant news stories. Be sure to check us out! All the best, The Team

An X-Prize for Alternative Energy?

I read several financial sites and feeds throughout the day and I have an entire section devoted to various stock blogs in my Bloglines feed reader account. A post on Andrew Tobias's website today really caught my attention where he was talking about his $100,000 “idea� contest. In response to the $100,000 “idea� contest, Alan Q writes: “Here’s mine and it’s a damn fine idea. Building on the success of the X Prize in reusable spacecraft: Expand government funded X Prizes in areas where innovation is vital to the nation's economic future and national security. For...

The Katrina/Rita Affect on Stocks

A reader recently submitted the following comment that I felt would be ideal to talk about here. I am wondering if you have any opinions (hopefully informed ones) about how Katrina, and now Rita, have/will affect PBW's profitability in the near and/or long term? I'm thinking of moving a few thousand I currently have in US savings bonds into a green energy fund. I can't address whether you should or shouldn't invest your money into PBW since every person has a specific tolerance to risk and I'm not a registered investment advisor. What I...

AltEnergy ETF Shares to start trading on Feb 4.

The new Alternative Energy ETF, which will be managed by PowerShares Capital Management, will track the WilderHill Clean Energy Index, a benchmark calculated by the Amex that was launched in August. The Amex collaborated with index provider WilderShares, LLC in developing the index. It will start trading on the AMEX on February 4th. The index contains 37 companies that use greener and renewable energy alternatives such as wind, solar, and hydrogen fuel cells. I'm searching for a ticker and will post it once I can find it. Post a comment if you find it before I do.

A Climate of Injustice

For this post, a tad bit of shameless promotion for a friend. My former grad school roommate and good friend Brad Parks, who works at the Millennium Challenge Corporation in DC, co-authored a book on the asymmetry that exists between emerging countries' share of global greenhouse gas emissions and the price those countries will have to pay, not only monetarily but also in terms of health and quality of life, as the effects of climate change materialize. Brad put a tremendous amount of work into this and the few chapters that I had a chance to read...

REN21 Report

Joel Makower has posted a link to the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century report on his website. Joel sums the report up nicely: All told, it's an upbeat and encouraging assessment that renewable energy around the world is being embraced by an audience far more important than environmentalists, technologists, or even high-ranking government leaders: the big-bucks investors capable of growing the kinds of large-scale, sustainable markets we'll need to create a renewable-energy future. Investment into this sector is growing at a very fast pace and I feel that investors that join in...

Power solutions pursued from unlikely sources

It may sound like weird science, but small tech power is being pursued in some unusual places, including your liquor cabinet and toilet. What’s more, if you thought cold fusion was so 80s, it – and a new variant called sonofusion – has bubbled back into the news.
nestle water bottles

Nestlé: Going Green Swiss Style

As a Peace Corps volunteer on islands in Micronesia it was a delightful to adopt the islanders’ use of banana leaves for everything from baking a sweet potato to serving a picnic lunch to storing leftovers.   The giant banana trees in the garden were so convenient.  Moreover, the banana leaf could not be beat for environmental friendliness.  Once used, the leaves were tossed aside to become mulch for the garden. Of course, back in the U.S.A. it is not practical to rely on banana leaves to wrap a Big Mac at MacDonald’s or ship electronics from Nonetheless, there must be something better than...

MIT, Columbia Begin New Energy Experiment: Half-ton Levitating Ring Is Key To Work

MIT and Columbia University students and researchers have begun operation of a novel experiment that confines high-temperature ionized gas, called plasma, using the strong magnetic fields from a half-ton superconducting ring inside a huge vessel reminiscent of a spaceship. The experiment, the first of its kind, will test whether nature's way of confining high-temperature gas might lead to a new source of energy for the world.
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