Interview on the Bigger Than Us Podcast

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BTUHere’s an interview I did for the Bigger Than Us podcast. I’m very impressed with Raj Daniels, the interviewer… he saw patterns in my approach to investing (and life in general) that, before he drew them out of me and put them into words, I had not even recognized myself.


  1. Tom,
    As a very early investor in YieldCos I discovered your articles. Can’t say I always follow your advice, but have done very well with my YieldCo investments and very much appreciate your insights. In listening to your BTU Podcast I found we share some traits-commitment to ethical, environmentally sound companies, am a “Saganite”, i.e., we’re all star stuff, look for the under followed companies, and researching companies up to a point, but then making a decision. On the latter trait my MO is to take a position and continue to follow the company (ERs, analyst/investor day presentations, etc..). If my opinion has not changed I continue to buy as the company’s stock price drops. This has lead to some big losses, but even bigger gains (e.g., purchased a large position in ENPH at 0.80/share, then kept adding more on ever big set back.) I wanted to mention to you a company that has hit most of my criteria for an investment, Orion Energy Systems, Inc. (OESX). Significant reduction in environmental CO2, new CEO who has really turned company’s fortunes around, arguably best in class product, great sales/installation model, integration of IOT devices, development of new products and maintenance services business, and, amazingly, buyers recover costs within 4 years. If you’re not aware of this outfit you may want to take a look. I’ve certainly had to opportunity to buy more on the way down, but I believe as soon as
    the Covid-19 pandemic is contained they will do very well. Dave

    • Orion sounds like a good company. The last time I looked at it a few years ago wasn’t profitable, but they seem to have turned that around and are making a nice profit now. Maybe the next time I look they will be paying a dividend, and hit all my criteria, too.


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