Global Resource Corporation and Mobilestream Oil

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This is the text of an email I received from a reader of my article on Global Resource Corporation (GBRC.PK).  He has reason to suspect that things are much worse than just the weak governance issues I uncovered.

I have been posting on Investors Hub as a result of family members being stung for a substantial purchase of Mobilestream Oil (, now being converted to Global Resource stock. A poster gave me the link to your interesting article about Global and your problems contact Jeff Andrews.

I am trying to contact Mr Andrews at present, in an attempt to get some explanations about how and why my family members were pressured into buying Mobilestream Oil stock by a firm calling itself Aston Rowe of Dubai. 

My family members had no prior intention of buying anything, but fell for it. I am now trying to retrieve the situation and have emailed Jeff Andrews for confirmation that the substantial amounts of Mobilestream stock are validly issued and what the role of this agency "Aston Rowe" was. Aston Rowe have now faded from the scene. 

I am concerned that the whole deal was a total boiler room fraud. If not, how did Mobilestream come to use such a suspect agency as Aston Rowe, who show up on the internet as a suspected boiler room. Mobilestream’s agent Olde Monmouth have the details of my family members’ purchase and have been writing to them re the proposed conversion to Global stock. 

I am perplexed as to the relationship between Mobilestream/Global and this shady operator calling itself Aston Rowe.  I would really like some explanations from them but haven’t much hope of success. My relations were taken for $81,000 and my argument is that this type of deal is voidable for misrepresentation and fraud….see my Investors Hub post if you are interested.

Fog On the Tyne 

Sheffield, UK

He sent me his real name but I have replaced it with his investor’s hub pseudonym to protect his privacy.  If you have had a similar experience, please help other investors with the comments on this entry, or by joining the discussion on Investors Hub.

DISCLOSURE: Tom Konrad and/or his clients do not currently have positions (long or short) in GBRC or MSRM.

DISCLAIMER: The information and trades provided here are for informational purposes only and are not a solicitation to buy or sell any of these securities. Investing involves substantial risk and you should evaluate your own risk levels before you make any investment. Past results are not an indication of future performance. Please take the time to read the full disclaimer here.


  1. The ideas of Mr Pringle are excellent (plagiarism perhaps) which is more than I can say for his business ethics ! One of many by me to Uncle Frank emails stated ”Mobilestrem victim of friendly fire and or collateral damage” !
    All the assets of mobilestream are the basis of the 3 companies, I believe M/S had the largest share holder base (unable to verify that) When GRC commenced there current identity appears there was $28 in hand paid up shares of $10,000 plus some indebtness. In 2002 Mr Pringles wife was the President and he was a consultant to Carbon Recovery Corp. At 14% of total share holdings I told him and SEC the whole deal stank !!
    I am a rank amateur, caught by more than my fair share of scams but this is apparently all legal.
    Again many thanks for your tutelage.
    Kindest Regards,
    Harry Smith.

  2. i received a letter from global resource corp telling me that mobilestream corp was beening liquidated & that i will be getting some global resource shares i have at this time not received any of the new share has any one gotten theirs yet?


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