The WGA Energy Efficient Buildings Workshop

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The WGA Energy Efficient Buildings Workshop: Overview

The Western Governor’s Association (WGA)  held a two day workshop in Denver on July 17 and 18.  Colorado’s Governor Bill Ritter kicked off the workshop (with a slightly late start due to the shooting of a deranged gunman outside his office on July 16.)  The workshop was a step towards achieving the WGA Clean and Diversified Energy resolution which includes a call for a 20% increase in Energy Efficiency in their states by 2020

I attended because I believe:

  1. Energy Efficiency can and will do more to meet the challenges of Global Warming, Peak Oil, Environmental Degradation, and Energy Security than any other form of Alternative Energy.
  2. The speed and choice of energy efficiency measures that are adopted will be strongly influenced by governmental policy.
  3. In the United States, it is the states that will become the models for future national policy.
  4. Keeping a close eye on these trends will give me an edge in picking companies that are well placed to profit from them.  I’ll include some investment ideas in each article.
  5. The workshop gave me an opportunity to influence the direction of future policy, which will benefit my managed portfolios.  I also hope to help, in a small way, to guide policy in directions that allow us to deal with our energy challenges more effectively and without as much disruption to the economy.

The first day was mostly presentations from government officials and industry experts, while the second day started with a couple short presentation followed by two brainstorming workshops. Over the next few days, I’ll be publishing my thoughts on the highlights of the workshop.  You can also download my notes.


You can find links to future installments in this series by clicking here.

WGA Energy Efficient Buildings workshop presentations.

Attendee List

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