The Week in Cleantech, March 24 to March 28, 2008: Truckers Slow Down, Algae and EVs Power Ahead

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On Sunday,

Maria Manka at the Green Options Blog asked if branding will be blowing in the wind farms.

On Monday,

Utility analyst Daniel Scotto warned of increasing power outages in an interview with EnergyTechStocks.

On Tuesday,

Will Dunham at Reuters broke the news of another large chuck of the Antarctic ice shelf disintegrating.

On Wednesday,

Marianne Lavelle of Beyond the Barrel rolled out the news of truckers backing a national 65 mph speed limit to save gas (and money.) 

On Thursday,

Katie Fehrenbacher at Earth2Tech listed 15 algae startups attempting to commercialize pond scum.  Algae startups are all the rage, with an in-depth article by Jennifer Kho at Greentech Media about GreenFuel’s "well under way" initial commercial algae production plant.  Unlike the Petrosun Drilling algae farms I wrote about two weeks ago, the GreenFuel CEO is admirably low-key about the immediate prospects about for this facility. Hank Green at EcoGeek is feeling inundated under the green wave, but feels that Algae may have come of age.

On Friday,

Jim Kingsdale’s Energy Investment Strategies plugged us in to a Danish plan to prepare the nation for electric vehicles (EVs.)  EVs were also on our minds when Craig Rubens at Earth2Tech wheeled out the news from my personal favorite EV maker (Aptera) that "Manufacturing Starts Now."

Preston at Jetson Green surprised us with the gigantic margins by which green buildings financially outperform their conventional counterparts.